Event Details


25th March 2025

9:30am to 4:30pm

Programme Aim:

This course guides participants through the application of many different types of functions - including a range of logical functions. Focus will also be on what constitutes good and bad design within Excel. Participants learn how to use Excel's Database features, how to sort, filter and subtotal information and work across multiple worksheets.

Programme Objectives:

Participants will learn about the application of more advanced functions including a range of Logical functions. Delegates will also learn Excels powerful database features such as Sorting, Filtering and Subtotalling.

Programme Structure:

This course is virtually delivered via Zoom Virtual Classroom. Demo excel files will be provided in advance to facilitate 'hands-on' participation.


It is recommended that participants have completed the 'Excel Introduction - Level 1' course or be proficient in applying the features and functions associated with the Level 1 course content.

Programme Outline:

Re-cap Basic Functions and Formulas

o Relative Reference

o Absolute Reference

o Link calculations across Worksheets

Helpful Tips

o Understand good/bad design in Excel

o Different ways to convert Numbers to Text

o Quick ways to Cut/Copy and Paste

o Using Go To Special

o Using Flash Fill

Use Logical Functions

o Understand the IF Function

o Reference numbers and text in Functions

o Use Absolute for advanced mixed references

o Understand the AND Function

o Understand Nesting Functions

o Nest IF, AND, and OR into IF

Work with Excels Database Features

o Understand good/bad design in Excel

o Create a basic Sort

o Create a multi-level Sort

o Create a Sort by Colour

o Create a custom Sort

o Create a basic Filter

o Create a multi-filter

o Create an Advanced Filter

o Create and understand Subtotals

o Remove duplicate records

Present Data Using Charts

o Create a Column Chart

o Create a Pie Chart

o Create a Line Chart

o Modify a Chart

o Format a Chart


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