Event Details

Date and Time:

26th February 2025

9:30am to 4:30pm

Programme Aim:

This course covers all the basics of Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn how to enter and edit information in a worksheet, manage and navigate worksheets, perform calculations and manipulate worksheet data, format the worksheet contents, and prepare, set up, and print information.

Programme Objectives:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to enter and edit information in a worksheet, manage workbooks and navigate worksheets and workbooks. Perform basic calculations on worksheet data, manipulate the data, format the contents of a worksheet and prepare, set up and print information.

Programme Structure:

This course is virtually delivered via Zoom Virtual Classroom. Demo excel files will be provided in advance to facilitate 'hands-on' participation.


Participants should be familiar with PC's/Laptops and have used a mouse and keyboard; be able to launch and close programmes; navigate to information stored on the computer; and manage files and folders.

Programme Outline:

ยง Start Excel

ยง Get Help

ยง Enter information

ยง Edit information in Cells

ยง Using Undo/Redo

ยง Save, close, and re-start Workbooks

ยง Exit Excel

ยง Use Basic Formulas

ยง Use Functions






ยง Apply Currency format

ยง Apply Percent style

ยง Apply Decimals

ยง Merge and Centre

ยง Navigate a Worksheet using the Keyboard

ยง Insert/Delete Columns and Rows

ยง Resize Columns and Rows

ยง Hide/Unhide Columns and Rows

ยง Hide/Unhide Worksheets

ยง Using AutoFill

ยง Copy and Paste/Transpose

ยง Apply Borders and Shading

ยง Deleting formatting

ยง Understand the Order of Operations Understand and create Relative References

ยง Understand and create Absolute References

ยง Understand and create Mixed References

ยง Link calculations across sheets

ยง Wrap Text and Line Breaks

ยง Naming Sheets

ยง Moving Sheets

ยง Copying Sheets

ยง Freeze Panes

ยง Repeat Titles on each Page

ยง Page Orientation

ยง Split Screen

ยง Scale to Fit

ยง Check Spelling in a Worksheet

ยง Preview a Worksheet,

ยง Set the Page Options and Margins

ยง Add Headers and Footers

ยง Insert and remove Page Breaks

ยง Print a Worksheet

ยง Set a Print Area


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