Event Details

About this course

This programme is aimed at any manager or team leader who is tasked with recruiting and selecting new

staff members. During the programme we examine the recognised stages involved in best practice

recruitment and selection campaigns.

Course Content

The 9 recognized stages involved in professional recruitment and selection.

  • Define: The importance of defining the role on offer in advance of any recruitment or selection activities taking place. This involves deciding on the key result areas attributed to the role on offer and who the new starter report to on a weekly basis.
  • Attract: Learn how to increase the chances of attracting the right calibre of individual to respond to your advertisement by including some worthwhile filters within the ad. Remember, your ad needs to motivate the right type of candidate to apply.
  • Screen: Learn how to screen all applicants in advance of interview by preparing your own telephone screening questionnaire. This will eliminate unsuitable applicants from the mix and save you time. Screening can also be done through an initial virtual interview.
  • Test: Understand the benefit of incorporating psychometric assessments into your overall plan as these
  • personality profile exercises have proven to be a very accurate method of predicting how someone is likely to perform in a management, sales or customer service role within any organisation.
  • Interview: Learn how prepare, structure and execute a professional interview which will be based upon behavioural
  • questioning, which will enable you to uncover past evidence of performance in previous roles. Be able to prepare your own set of quality questions in advance of interview. On this module we will look at questioning skills, listening skills and the different type of body language that you need to be aware of during interview.
  • Confirm andVerify: Understand the importance of actually checking the references that you have been given by any job applicant. Prepare some questions that will solicit some additional information on previous employment history. Learn the importance of the Third Ear Technique as sometimes a hesitant response from a previous employer can tell you a lot!
  • Decide: On this module we will examine how to collate and score up all the information you have received during
  • the various stages of the recruitment and selection campaign. We will at this stage examine how to minimise the risk of selecting the wrong individual for the role. Recruitment and Selection is not an exact science but the more structure and filters you have incorporated into the process the better.
  • Offer: After you have decided upon your choice of candidate you now need to look at the steps involved in making a formal job offer and in presenting a clear overview of terms and conditions of employment. We will also discuss the benefits of a structured induction and training plan which will give your new starter a comfort level with your organisation.
  • On–Boarding: Start as you mean to continue and with this concept in mind we cover the whole area of induction planning, initial training and possible field visits with existing staff. The objective of this session is to encourage you to have a structured training and induction plan ready to go in advance of making any new hire as the new – starter's initial impression of your company will last a long-time. You will not get a second chance to create a first impression!


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